1 /++
2 Scriptlike_Changelog:
4 The latest version of this changelog is always available at:$(BR)
5 $(LINK http://semitwist.com/scriptlike/changelog.html )
7 (Dates below are YYYY/MM/DD)
9 $(H2 v0.9.1 - 2015/06/28)
11 $(UL
12 	$(FIXED Fails to compile unless the `makedocs` script has been run.)
13 )
15 $(H2 v0.9.0 - 2015/06/27)
17 $(UL
18 	$(CHANGE Split $(MODULE_FILE) and $(MODULE_PATH) into the following:$(BR)
19 		$(UL
20 			$(LI $(MODULE_CORE) )
21 			$(LI $(MODULE_FILE_EXTR) )
22 			$(LI $(MODULE_FILE_WRAP) )
23 			$(LI $(MODULE_PATH_EXTR) )
24 			$(LI $(MODULE_PATH_WRAP) )
25 		)
26 		Utilizes `package.d` to retain ability to import $(MODULE_FILE) and $(MODULE_PATH).
27 	)
28 	$(CHANGE Convert changelog from markdown to $(DDOX) so links are more readable. )
29 	$(ENHANCE Add (opt-in) command echoing to most functions in $(MODULE_FILE). )
31 		Add $(API_CORE yap) and $(API_CORE yapFunc) as improved versions
32 		of to-be-deprecated $(API_CORE echoCommand).
33 	)
34 	$(FIXED Make $(API_PATH_EXTR escapeShellArg) const-correct. )
35 	$(FIXED
36 		Make $(API_PATH_EXTR Path.toRawString) and $(API_PATH_EXTR Ext.toRawString)
37 		both be `pure @safe nothrow`.
38 	)
39 )
41 $(H2 v0.8.1 - 2015/06/22)
43 $(UL
45 		New overload for $(API_INTERACT userInput) to allow type inference:$(BR)
46 		`void userInput(T=string)(string question, ref T result);`
47 		(suggestion from
48 		$(LINK2 http://forum.dlang.org/post/povoxkcogcmbvhwlxqbc@forum.dlang.org, Per Nordlöw)).
49 	)
50 )
52 $(H2 v0.8.0 - 2015/06/13)
54 $(UL
55 	$(CHANGE
56 		Minimum officially supported $(DMD) increased from v2.064.2 to v2.066.0.
57 		Versions below v2.066.0 may still work, but there will now be certain
58 		problems when dealing with paths that contain spaces, particularly
59 		on Windows.
60 	)
61 	$(CHANGE
62 		Removed unnecessary non-$(API_PATH_EXTR Path) wrappers around $(MODULE_STD_FILE)/$(MODULE_STD_PATH).
63 		Things not wrapped (like $(STD_PATH dirSeparator) and $(STD_FILE SpanMode))
64 		are now selective public imports instead of aliases. These changes should
65 		reduce issues with symbol conflicts.
66 	)
67 	$(CHANGE
68 		$(LINK2 http://semitwist.com/scriptlike/, API reference) now built
69 		using $(DDOX) and uses much improved styling (actually uses a stylesheet now).
70 	)
71 	$(CHANGE
72 		Eliminate remnants of the "planned but never enabled" wstring/dstring
73 		versions of $(API_PATH_EXTR Path)/$(API_PATH_EXTR Ext)/$(API_PROCESS Args). There
74 		turned out not to be much need for them, and even $(MODULE_STD_FILE)
75 		doesn't support wstring/dstring either.
76 	)
77 	$(CHANGE Put output binaries in "bin" subdirectory, instead of Scriptlike's root. )
79 		Add module scriptlike.only to import all of scriptlike, but omit the
80 		helper Phobos imports in scriptlike.std.
81 	)
83 		$(API_FAIL fail) now accepts an arbitrary list of args of any type,
84 		just like $(STD_STDIO writeln),
85 	)
87 		Added $(API_FAIL failEnforce), like Phobos's $(STD_EXCEPTION enforce),
88 		but for $(API_FAIL fail).
89 	)
91 		Added $(API_PROCESS runCollect) and $(API_PROCESS tryRunCollect), to
92 		capture a command's output instead of displaying it.
93 	)
94 	$(ENHANCE Added $(API_INTERACT pause) to pause and prompt the user to press Enter. )
95 	$(ENHANCE $(API_CORE echoCommand) is no longer private. )
97 		Added $(API_PATH_EXTR Path)-based wrappers for $(MODULE_STD_FILE)'s 
98 		$(STD_FILE getcwd), $(STD_FILE thisExePath) and $(STD_FILE tempDir).
99 	)
100 	$(FIXED No longer uses Phobos's deprecated $(STD_PROCESS system) function.)
101 )
103 $(H2 v0.7.0 - 2015/04/02)
105 $(UL
106 	$(ENHANCE
107 		$(ISSUE 14): Added scriptlike.interact module for easy user-input prompts.
108 		(Thanks to $(LINK2 https://github.com/JesseKPhillips, Jesse Phillips))
109 	)
110 	$(FIXED Unittest compile failure on $(DMD) v2.067.0. )
111 )
113 $(H2 v0.6.0 - 2014/02/16)
115 $(UL
116 	$(CHANGE
117 		$(API_PATH_EXTR Path) and $(API_PATH_EXTR Ext) are now aliases for the UTF-8
118 		instantiations, and the template structs are now named `PathT` and `ExtT`.
119 	)
120 	$(CHANGE
121 		Removed `path()` and `ext()` helper functions to free up useful names
122 		from the namespace, since they are no longer needed. Use `Path()` and
123 		`Ext()` instead.
124 	)
125 	$(CHANGE
126 		Internally split into separate modules, but uses `package.d` to
127 		preserve `import scriptlike;`.
128 	)
129 	$(CHANGE Rename `escapeShellPath` -> $(API_PATH_EXTR escapeShellArg). )
130 	$(CHANGE
131 		Rename $(API_PROCESS runShell) -> $(API_PROCESS tryRun). Temporarily keep
132 		$(API_PROCESS runShell) as an alias.
133 	)
134 	$(CHANGE
135 		Rename $(API_CORE scriptlikeTraceCommands) -> $(API_CORE scriptlikeEcho).
136 		Temporarily keep $(API_CORE scriptlikeTraceCommands) as an alias.
137 	)
138 	$(ENHANCE Added scripts to run unittests and build API docs. )
139 	$(ENHANCE
140 		Added $(API_PATH_EXTR Path.opCast) and $(API_PATH_EXTR Ext.opCast) for
141 		converting to bool.
142 	)
143 	$(ENHANCE
144 		$(API_FAIL fail) no longer requires any boilerplate in `main()`.
145 		($(LINK2 http://forum.dlang.org/thread/ldc6qt$(DOLLAR)22tv$(DOLLAR)1@digitalmars.com, Newsgroup link))
146 	)
147 	$(ENHANCE
148 		Added $(API_PROCESS run) to run a shell command like $(API_PROCESS tryRun),
149 		but automatically throw if the process returns a non-zero error level.
150 	)
151 	$(ENHANCE $(ISSUE 2): Optional callback sink for command echoing: $(API_CORE scriptlikeCustomEcho). )
152 	$(ENHANCE $(ISSUE 8): Dry run support via bool $(API_CORE scriptlikeDryRun). )
153 	$(ENHANCE
154 		$(ISSUE 13): Added `ArgsT` (and $(API_PROCESS Args) helper alias)
155 		to safely build command strings from parts.
156 	)
157 	$(ENHANCE Added this changelog. )
158 	$(FIXED
159 		$(API_PATH_EXTR Path)(null) and $(API_PATH_EXTR Ext)(null) were automatically
160 		changed to empty string.
161 	)
162 	$(FIXED $(ISSUE 10): Docs should include all OS-specific functions. )
163 )
165 $(H2 v0.5.0 - 2014/02/11)
167 $(UL
168 	$(LI Initial release. )
169 )
171 Copyright:
172 Copyright (C) 2014-2015 Nick Sabalausky.
173 Portions Copyright (C) 2010 Jesse Phillips.
175 License: zlib/libpng
176 Authors: Nick Sabalausky, Jesse Phillips
177 +/
178 module changelog;