Alias for backwards-compatibility. This will be deprecated in the future. You should use scriptlikeEcho insetad.
Maintained for backwards-compatibility. Will be deprecated. Use 'yap' instead.
Interpolated string (ie, variable expansion).
Output text lazily through scriptlike's echo logger. Does nothing if scriptlikeEcho and scriptlikeDryRun are both false.
Debugging aid: Output current file/line to stderr.
Debugging aid: Output variable name/value and file/line info to stderr.
By default, scriptlikeEcho and scriptlikeDryRun echo to stdout. You can override this behavior by setting scriptlikeCustomEcho to your own sink delegate. Since this is used for logging, don't forget to flush your output.
If true, then run, tryRun, file write, file append, and all the echoable commands that modify the filesystem will be echoed to stdout (regardless of scriptlikeEcho) and NOT actually executed.
If true, all commands will be echoed. By default, they will be echoed to stdout, but you can override this with scriptlikeCustomEcho.